Fan: It's Ly the Fairy in Rayman 3?
Josinator: No she's not in Rayman 3, sadly.
Fan: Oh, i wish she was in the third game. Even that statue of her is so depressing too, it doesn't even count.
Josinator: I know, but it's okay, she was indeed in Rayman 3, but only in the GBA version instead and also the Raving Rabbids too.
Fan: Okay, that's reasonable, but i really miss her.. :'(
Josinator: Yeah me too, but i really want her back.. :(
Fan: I know, i wish ubisoft should make a new rayman game so they can bring her back to life.
Josinator: Indeed, they should bring happiness to us and everyone.
Fan: I think we need Rayman 4.
Josinator: Agreed.
She was actually originally going to be in Rayman 3. I saw the concept art of her design on Reddit
Yeah, i've seen it before.