So, i think i'm getting screwed up here on Newgrounds, all that happened earlier is that i uploaded my NSFW pic and unfortunately it got accidentally rated E, because i forgot to put the A rating, i went to edit my pic and i put the A rating quickly so it's done. Later then, i deleted my NSFW picture for unknown reasons.
The worst thing that happened to me is that when i edit my pics, all i see is that the E rating is still there, like i don't see T, M and A rated permanently. Seriously idk if it's a glitch or a bug that's happening here, i'm getting really paranoid if i end up getting in big trouble for this, i still idk why but i put the dots into some or lots, it changes the rating into the different one and then i save changes and done. But when i go back to edit my pics again, the E rating is still there, unchanged despite the dots are added into different categories, having ratings changed.
I can't talk much about this, i'm risking myself here, if only things should be fixed from now on.